Jewish Audio Theater with Heshy Riesel

These stories are rooted in Jewish history, incorporating real characters and events to craft a narrative that is both inspiring and suspenseful. They highlight the unwavering faith and trust in G-d, as well as the resilience of the Jewish people in their battles against persecution and harsh decrees. Now more than ever, these stories are meant to fill listeners with inspiration drawn from our proud past, offering hope and strength for current times and the future.

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Jewish Audio Theater

These stories are rooted in Jewish history, incorporating real characters and events to craft a narrative that is both inspiring and suspenseful. They highlight the unwavering faith and trust in G-d, as well as the resilience of the Jewish people in their battles against persecution and harsh decrees. Now more than ever, these stories are meant to fill listeners with inspiration drawn from our proud past, offering hope and strength for current times and the future.


Thursday Jan 02, 2025

What if the 2 latterns to warn the colonial militias of the British raid on Lexington and Concord were never given? 
The exciting conclusion of One by land two by sea.
General Gage failed, was replaced by another general, and returned to England in disgrace.
Dr Joseph Warren died 2 months later, June 17th, during the Battle of Bunker Hill. He was 34.


Thursday Dec 26, 2024

Thursday Dec 26, 2024

A fictional Chanuka story that takes place right before the start of the American Revolutionary War. Except for the ficticious Jewish Mendez family, Jonas, Silas, Jasper and Casper, all the other characters are real. The theme of the story is the historical Jewish impact on Western Civilizatiion.
The Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations.
John Adams
For more on this topic read World Perfect by Rabbi Ken Spiro.
Would like to thank 
Rifky Saks. playing Mrs Mendez
Tiffy Saks playing Miriam Mendez
Moshe Fox playing young Ezra
Gabi and Elisha  Shick playing Rebecca and Levi
Shmuel Eliezer Bistritz playing teen Ezra
Eli Hertz playing Lt Col Smith and Captain Leslie


Thursday Sep 26, 2024

Thursday Sep 26, 2024

Dmitry found favor in the eyes of the feared and dreaded Czar Nicholas I. He was brave, well-liked, and most importantly, a quick-witted thinker.
He was being trained in the Czar's most secret elite service. The Czar was ready to promote Dmitry, but something was discovered in the files that was going to change everything for everyone.
Military service was made compulsory for Jews in Russia in 1827, the age for the draft being established as between 12 and 25 years. Some were as young as 8. The objective of the Russian authorities was to alienate the cantonist children from their own people and religion.
For more info on this topic
I used information for this story from the book The Cantonists: The Jewish Children's Army of the Tsar
by Larry Domnitch 

The B H Zone: The ARCH ENEMY

Thursday Aug 08, 2024

Thursday Aug 08, 2024

Dave was touring Rome and suddenly went on a mission to find his baby's pacifier. He became intrigued by a confrontation at the Arch of Titus between a tour guide and a young Jewish boy. He found something else that he did not realize he had lost.
It is said that the victors write history.
But this is not necessarily true when it comes to Jewish history, as you will find out in this episode of the Bein Hashmoshos Zone.

Thursday Aug 08, 2024

Young Shmilik, the only son of elderly parents, has been taken by the Russian army. The general said 5000 rubles would get him released. Only Mr Holtzer, the wealthy land baron could help. But he is never interested to help others.
The Rebbe has a plan, but Shmilik's parents and the townspeople do not understand the Rebbe's actions.


Monday Jul 15, 2024

Monday Jul 15, 2024

Yossel said no to Russian General Rumyansev, a Russian war hero. No business on Shabbos. The General learns to respect Yossel.
 I picked this time and place because it fits the narrative of the Partition of Poland and General Rumyansev. 
Surprisingly, many years later, General Rumyansev's son helped build a shul in that village. This makes sense in light of the story.

Friday May 31, 2024

Dovid has been discovered by Bernadino of Siena, who has arranged for Alfonso Camenero to return him to his friend, the Archbishop of Burgos.
Dr. Sababto defends Dovid against Bernadino to prevent Alfonso from returning Dovid to Spain. The Count also has a plan to keep Dovid in Brescia. But Bernadino of Siene has the Duke and the Pope's support. 
It does not look good, and Pedro is working on another escape.
The conclusion of the Art of the Sofer

Monday May 13, 2024

Dovid is living in the count's castle, admired for his stellar artistic achievements at such a young age.
' Maybe my momma should come here to Brescia.'
Until one day when Dovid made a big mistake,
' I thought today was Tuesday!'
Dovid's hidden Jewish identity has been revealed to friends ......and enemies

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024

A harrowing escape from Spain. Dovid follows Master Anderson to Brescia to pursue his new found passion to become an artist. Dovid is really very good......too good
Yechiel da Pisa is a real character. His son, or grandson, was very instrumental in helping Jews escape 60 years later from the Spanish Inquisition and Expulsion of 1492

Wednesday Jan 17, 2024

The Spanish riots and pogroms of 1391 killed many Jews, and many, out of fear, converted to Christianity. 
Rabbi Joseph Abotrani was secretly helping and guiding the Jews who were secretly keeping Yiddishkeit. They were called the  Conversos. The church discovered this. The Archbishop, who was once the Rav of Burgos, realized that Rav Abotrani was a threat and needed to be dealt with..... by any means.

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